Sunday, December 23, 2012


süüalune nr 1, mu klapid

Ma mattun muusika ilusa maailma suurimatesse fantaasia soppidesse kus vaikus muutub imeliseks tunnete segapööraseks helipildiks. Üks suurimaid põhjuseid elada siin maailmas edasi on muusika eksistents. Osad laulud viivad su üleväsinuna nii huvitavasse kohta. Täielik müstika. Mind ei huvita kas mõni sõna millega ma kirjeldan oma peas toimuvat on olemas või kui korrektselt ma siin kirjutan. See ei oma tähtsust hetkel. Palun võtke see aeg, et kuulata vahel muusikat nii, et sulete silmad ja ei tee samal ajal kümmet asja. It's worth it !

Olge tublid, hugs.

Süüalune nr 2, laul.


Thursday, December 13, 2012


Being alone never felt right. Sometimes it felt good, but it never felt right.
I agree

Live from the other side what you see
A bunch of nonsense on my TV
Heaven on Earth is what I need
But I feel I’m in hell every time I breathe
Reporting live from the other side what you hear
A bunch of nonsense all in my ear
Rich man, poor man, we all gotta pay
Cause freedom ain’t free, especially ’round my way

Monday, December 10, 2012

Missed connection


Sometimes we really want to get in touch with someone we love or like, but seems to be this way, that the one you like and love does not have time for you or just dont want to give you time or an opportunity. World works this way and.. it makes me sad, not angry or judgemental, just sad. Plain blank sadness. No hate, no love, nothing - sad.

There is alittle song that goes with it, in my eyes at least. A chance to prove your powers is all we need but we just dont get them. Even if we try our best. Being sad is not a bad thing either, being emotinal is good. If you feel sad, be sad. If you feel happy, be happy. Show it. "I am happy" "I am sad" . Just dont try to hide your emotions and dont judge, you are only hiding them from yourself and it hurts. Its late, love you all.


F*ck the haters. 
